Thursday, March 17, 2011

12-16 weeks pregnant with twins...

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At twelve weeks, your once called embryo is now called a fetus. At twelve weeks each of your developing babies will weigh approximately 20 grams. At the beginning of week 13, each of your twins will resemble the familiar tadpole looking image. Although the babies do not have any obvious organization of movement yet, if seen on ultrasound you will notice reflexive motions. By 16 weeks the twins will each weigh around 120 grams. They will also reach a length of about four inches long. By sixteen weeks, the developing twins can swallow and the kidneys begin to operate. The production of urine by the fetus contributes to the amniotic fluid. Your babies are now beginning to show some control over its environment. 
In most pregnancy, nausea should be diminishing or may even be completely gone
. You should be enjoying a hearty appetite now. At times you may feel ravenous and that is okay and is expected. Follow the dietary guidelines that your midwife has given you and enjoy nourishing your babies. If you are still experiencing cravings, that is fine, but do discuss any extreme cravings with your doctor. You may need an additional supplement or vitamin.
Vaginal discharge that is white and creamy in texture is common and should not be cause for concern
. Any discharge that is any color besides white or is associated with other symptoms should be reported to your midwife.

You may notice that you are not getting as much sleep as you are used to. Your sleep can be disturbed by the need to urinate, increased dreaming, heartburn or other reasons. Find a comfortable position and try to get as much rest as possible, a birthing support could help. It is hard work to carry a twin pregnancy and you need to be fair to your body and let it rest often.

Many women complain of an increase in headaches. If you experience severe and/or frequent pain, you should report it to your midwife. Do not take any type of pain reliever without the consent of your medical team. Best to try a relaxing bath with calming music, eating and drinking often, rest in a darkened room or a soothing compress over your eyes. Hormone production may be the cause of migraine headaches. Many environmental, food, hormonal and lifestyle triggers cause migraines. Avoid air pollution, smoke, fumes, bright lights, alcohol, aspartame, caffeine, chocolate, dairy products, fatty foods, MSG, nuts, and physical exertion. Depression, stress and anxiety can also lead to migraines.

At this point of the pregnancy, maternity clothes are probably a must. You may be outgrowing your pants as your waistline expands. Mums of multiples experience this earlier. Maternity bras are very important also, and many find a belly bra useful to help support the babies. Purchase or borrow clothes that will last the entire pregnancy, or consider clothes extenders such as the Gro-group ones on the site.

Swelling of the feet is a common complaint also. The extra weight in your abdomen has the effect of increasing the curve of your spine. Wearing trainers and propping your feet up throughout the day should alleviate discomfort. 
Ongoing Symptoms 
Increase or decrease in saliva
Food cravings
Increased heart rate
Leaking from nipples
Nasal stuffiness
Breast tenderness
Bleeding gums
Sensitivity to sun
Change in sexual desire
Stretch marks 

To Consider This Month 
Maternity clothing
Start purchasing necessary baby supplies
Any testing that needs to be done 
At The Doctor 
Your doctor will be assessing many factors of the pregnancy at this checkup. Address any questions or concerns at this time. You may have an ultrasound to assess the babies condition. Your caregiver will most likely offer you the AFP test to check for abnormalities. Your caregiver will also be checking:
1.Weight gain
2.Blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate
3.Heart and lungs
4.Breast exam 5.External palpation of the uterus
6.Measure height of fundus
7.Check fetal heartbeat
8.Urine screen for blood, sugar and bacteria

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